Using Vinegar to Get Rid of Fungus Gnats on House Plants

09/04/2014 21:11
 Fungus Gnat Prevention 
Fungus gnats, commonly known as fruit flies, are just simply annoying. You can see them hovering around  your houseplants, and the adults are not really a problem, but the larvae can cause severe damage on your plants root system. Adult fungus gnats are attracted to the smell of fermentation coming from ripened fruits, fruit juice containers, and even beer. They also like damp areas, and lay their eggs in moist pot soil where they can feed on decaying plant matter and fungi. No need to throw out your houseplant, you can eliminate those pesky gnats with the help of household vinegar. Here's how:
  • Using a clear or semi -clear platic cup, you can create an effecitve trap for this household pest by getting some apple cider vinegar and pouring  1/4 to 1/2 inch into the cup. Add a few drops of liquid soap dish, then stir to mix. Using a transparent tape, cover the top,  and leave a 1/8 inch gap right at the middle of the cup's taped area.
  • Put your vinegar trap beside your houseplant. Be sure to check daily for build up at the top of the trap. Refrain from distrubing the gnat build up as they will soon find their way into the gap down to their watery grave.
  • Attract adults gnat flying around by setting up yellow sticky traps all about the houseplant.
  • Grab a raw, fresh potato, cut it into chunks, and put a few pieces around the houseplant's soil and wait 2 to 3 days. Check the pieces for signs that it has been chewed on.
  • Change your watering routine and let the soil surface to thoroughly dry out just enough not to damage the plant. Gnats thrive in moist environments and letting the soil dry out will deny them a place to breed.
If you want the most effective Fungus Gnat Prevention tips, check out CXHydrophonics official site, or just click on this link

